English Martyrs’ School Admissions
English Martyrs’ Primary school welcomes applications for admissions into different year groups. The governing body has the responsibility for admissions to our school and admits up to 30 pupils to the Reception class and up to 60 pupils in each of the other year groups (Year 1 to Year 6) (2024-25). Other applications for other Year Groups are also welcomed where there are vacancies.
We welcome applications for places at our school from parents living in the local area and beyond. In offering places at the school we follow the criteria as outlined in our Admissions Policy. Our school is based in the heart of Walworth School Map and is surrounded by a number of densely populated estates. If you would like to arrange a visit to the school please contact the school office on 020 7703 4726.
If your child’s date of birth falls between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020 you can apply for a Nursery place.
Our English Martyrs’ Nursery offers both morning and afternoon sessions. (Morning sessions from 8.30 am to 11.30 am; Afternoon sessions from 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm). Parents of children of Nursery age can apply for a morning or an afternoon place (up to 26 places). Children who have the 30 hour entitlement will be offered full day provision.
When parents do not have the 30 hour voucher, there is the option for Nursery children to attend a full day, from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm, against payment of a top-up fee for the additional hours.
Apply Online:
Please use our Nursery-Application when applying for a nursery place and return to the school office.
Please note that children attending the Nursery Class at English Martyrs’ Primary School cannot be guaranteed places in the Reception Class and parents will need to apply separately for such a place. (see details below)
Full Time Nursery – Parents information letter 30hour code
Please open and read the letter Parent notice letter notice – Nursery Full Time for more information on the 30hr code if you are considering a full time place for your child.
Parents requesting full time nursery will be invited to attend a meeting with the Head Teacher.
For more information on 30 hour code edibility and how to apply please open the link provided https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/how-to-apply-for-30-hours-free-childcare/
To apply for admission to English Martyrs’ Primary school (Reception Class) you will need to complete the Local Authority online form. (go to Southwark eAdmissions)
If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025. The Local Authority Admissions process opens on 1st September 2024 and closes on 15th January 2025.
Parents should receive confirmation of allocations and places offers in April. If your child was born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022, your child is due to start Primary school in September 2026.
You will also need to complete our Certificate of Catholic Practice which can be downloaded using This Link Copies of this form are also available from the school office.
These are applications for places beyond Nursery class, that is from Reception Class (after the Local Authority process has closed) to Year 6.
English Martyrs’ Primary School manage our own IN YEAR ADMISSIONS. If you would like your child to move schools during the school year or are moving to the local area, please complete our IN YEAR ADMISSIONS Form and submit it to the school office.
In-year admissions will follow the normal admissions criteria as outlined in our Admissions Policy
All In Year applications will be notified within 10 days and then receive a written response within 15 school days. Please contact the school office if you have any queries regarding admissions by email at office@emps.school or call us on 020 7703 4726.
In the case of an application to a year group where we have no vacancies, you may request that your child is added to the school waiting list so we can then contact you if any vacancies arise.
If your child has not been offered a place and you wish to appeal against that decision, please contact the school office on 020 7703 4726 to discuss the appeals process which includes:
- Ask for an Appeals form to be sent to you or download it from here. Appeals Form
- Complete and return the Appeals form to the school office.
- You will then receive notification of the appeal meeting date and place.
- Appeal meeting hearing takes place in school or agreed venue.
- You will be notified in writing, of the outcome of your appeal hearing.
- Schools Admissions appeals – School-Admissions-Appeals-code
- Education Commission Appeals Advice link – Education_Commission_Appeals_Advice
- Appeal Hearings Timetable – Appeal-hearings-timetable
Please use the links below to view our documents related to admissions at English Martyrs’ primary school. Paper copies of applications forms are also available at our school office.
- Nursery-Application
- Southwark eAdmissions link for Reception Class applications
- Certificate of Catholic Practice
- Appeals Form
- English Martyrs’ Admission Policy Admissions policy 2025-2026
- English Martyrs’ Admission Policy Admissions Policy 2024-2025
- Admission Guidance for Priests – Admissions-guidance-for-priests
- Admission Guidance for Schools – Admissions-guidance-for-schools
- Schools Admissions appeals – School-Admissions-Appeals-code
- Education Commission Appeals Advice link – Education_Commission_Appeals_Advice
- Appeal Hearings Timetable – Appeal-hearings-timetable
- School Map