To apply for benefit related free school meals

Please see the FSM application link below from Southwark requesting all parent/guardians complete.

We ask that you complete the attached even if you are unsure of your eligibility and return to the school office.

Please ensure you have completed all sections on the attached and signed by yourself. You only need to complete one form if you have more than one child in the school, providing all the relevant details for all children.

The attached application is to check eligibility for your child to receive free school meals which helps generate funding for our school. Any funding received helps towards enhancing pupils learning experiences, giving more opportunities to the school to provide extra facilities for pupils, and during the Covid-19 lockdown for schools, if your application is successful, you may be eligible to receive a food voucher if your child is not attending school.

Your support and participation in completing this is very much appreciated.

Completed applications can be returned to the