At English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary school we aim to provide an environment in which children can grow in their knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith and develop their own relationship with Jesus. We want our children to understand that religion is not just for learning but also for living.  Religious Education is not simply one subject among many, but the foundation of our entire educational process.

At English Martyrs’ we recognise the importance of promoting Christian values through the school and beyond.

Our six core values are:

  • Faith
  • Responsibility
  • Respect
  • Compassion
  • Fariness
  • Wisdom

We aim to put our six core value in practice in our daily lives as a school community. Our six school values are a vital part of our ethos and underpin our vision and the way we work together as a school community. These school values are rooted in Christian teaching and tradition; they complement the British Values and are the qualities that inspire our high standards of behaviour and relationships within the school and beyond.

Although we aim to practise our core values throughout the whole year we also focus on one chosen value each half term as shown in the table below.


We also aim to build on our school values to work towards and practise other Christian virtues and to show examples of the Fruits of the Spirit in our daily lives, teaching and learning and everything we do within our school community and beyond.

Our school’s core values are encompassed in our school’s Mission Statement:

Our English Martyrs’ School community aims to follow the example of Christ, in welcoming, recognising, fostering and developing each individual, as a unique and special gift from God with value and dignity”.

By living out these values we aim to create an awareness of a sense of belonging to and being part of the life of English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School.

  • To encourage children to actively live their faith.
  • To help children to develop a personal relationship with God.
  • To develop the whole child: spiritually, mentally, morally, socially and culturally.
  • To teach the doctrines, traditions and culture of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • To offer children a wider experience of prayer and worship.
  • To provide a stable, secure and happy environment.
  • To foster and develop the spiritual life of each member of the school community.
  • To work in partnership with the home and parish.


Religious Education is taught every week throughout the school using The Way, The Truth and The Life Programme as a resource and scheme of work. We feel the scheme is a starting point as teachers are encouraged to adapt the scheme ensuring all pupils’ needs are met and lessons are always related to their lives. Teachers also ensure that when they teach Religious Education they provide opportunities for the pupils to discuss, reflect and question what they have heard. Tasks in Religious Education will vary by class and by topic but can include writing tasks, construction, role-play, art, music and discussions.

Twice a year, the children will spend time learning about other faiths as well the Catholic faith so as to give the children a wider understanding of all religious beliefs.

Ongoing informal assessment against the Diocesan Assessment Descriptors is used to inform planning and to identify areas for focus and support. The RE leader and Senior Leadership Team regularly review the progress and achievement of pupils through book looks and lesson observations.

Every school day begins with a morning prayer with further prayers said throughout the day including before lunch, after lunch and at the end of the day.

Each year group will attend mass at English Martyrs’ several times a year. In addition, the whole school attend Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and other significant occasions such as the feast of the English Martyrs.


The children of English Martyrs’ school can confidently talk about their own faith and the faith of others.  They can ask questions to challenge their beliefs and can justify their own opinions linking with scripture and their own experiences. We have a Worship Leaders Group made up of children from different year groups who also contribute to leading assemblies and other forms of worship and prayer.

The children’s RE work in books shows that they are developing a deeper level of understanding and are reflective thinkers.

Children show compassion, justice, love and forgiveness in their relationships with others and are confident, resilient and actively engaged in the wider society.  Children will live out the Gospel Values in an active and positive way, are always aware of the presence and love of Christ guiding them and are true witnesses of the Catholic Life at English Martyrs’.

The Rosary

The month of October is a good time to commit to praying The Rosary everyday.  Children are invited to pray The Rosary every morning.

Prayer Downloads:

Please click on the links below for more.