Core Values & British Values

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English Martyrs’ Core & British Values

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There has been a significant amount of debate over recent months about the need for schools to promote the British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.

At English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School we support our children to understand and experience these five values.

Our children experience democracy at work through the working of our School Council. At English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School we value our pupils’ voices.

We have an established class rules which are underpinned by our Positive Behaviour Policy. These rules are used in and around school on a daily basis to model an individual’s rights and responsibilities, the need for mutual respect and tolerance.

Through our PSHE learning we further explore the five values. We consider what being a good citizen is. We access support from organisations such as ChildLine, and the NSPCC to help our pupils understand about their rights, respect and tolerance. We also support various charities, some chosen directly by the pupils and others chosen by the school, which enables us to consider in more detail mutual respect and tolerance. We hold an annual “Anti-Bullying Week”; this is an opportunity for our pupils and parents to consider what is bullying (including cyber bullying), why people bully and how to deal with it.

In Religious Education (R.E.) pupils learn about the catholic faith and other major faiths and beliefs. We celebrate a range of key festivals across the year and look at the similarities and differences and how this impacts on people’s lives.

Through our Geography curriculum we take the opportunity to explore other cultures from around the world and we encourage our pupils to see the world from different perspectives

Our assemblies are based on our core values for life such as  Faith, Fairness, Responsibility, Wisdom, Respect and Compassion.