Our week started with our worship assemblies when we reflected on Racial Justice which was celebrated the previous Sunday. A group of Year 5 and 6 children represented our school at the special mass at St George’s Cathedral on Sunday 28th January.
On Wednesday, our Year 4 classes took part in a workshop led by an author who was invited through our links with the new Una Marson Library that has just opened in our local area in Thurlow Street. On Thursday, both Year 1 classes visited the Vauxhall City Farm where they had the opportunity to learn about different animals and other creatures. Our week came to an end today. Class 3C led our Friday assembly in which they told us about their recent work in Science, French and also shared reflections and singing on today’s celebration of Candlemass.
We now look forward to next week which is the final week of this Spring 1 half term and yet another week full of special days and events including:
- Children’s mental health week
- Safer Internet day on Tuesday 6th February, and
- The Year 6 residential trip to Grosvenor Park from Wednesday to Friday
- China day led by Year 1 on Friday