Dear parents and carers,
Following the October half term break we returned to school on Monday and we started this first week of term with our worship gatherings reflecting mainly on All Saints day and All Souls day. We will continue with these themes throughout the month of November. In RE this week, children have been learning about world Faiths, particularly about JUDAISM. Each year group has now also started focusing on new topics for Autumn 2. You can see more details on this term’s curriculum in the Topic Overview sheets we’re posting on the school website.
Today, Class 4G led our Friday assembly in which they told us about a number of things they have been learning about in recent weeks. Next week is another important week when we will be celebrating Remembrance day on Monday and thinking of those who gave up their lives for peace in the world. Next week we will also be marking ‘Anti -Bullying week’ and we have a range of activities for our pupils to learn more and become more aware of this important theme. The week will include ‘Odd socks day’ on Tuesday 12th November.
Thank you and have a good weekend