Dear parents and carers,
This final week of Spring Term 1 was such an exciting one for our children in so many ways. All our children have been focusing on the importance of mental health as part of Children’s Mental Health week. We also learned about staying safe online when on Tuesday when we marked Safer Internet Day.
On Wednesday, both our Year 1 classes visited the Horniman Museum where they we took part in different Chinese New Year activities such as role playing the story of the Nian, playing instruments,, and using the chopsticks. On the same day our Year 6 pupils left for their Residential trip to Grosvenor Hall in Ashford. It was an exciting adventure for all which included among other things, activities such as Laser quest, Zip-Wire challenge, group games and much more. (See more images about of some of the activities on page 3 of this newsletter). Today Class 2J who led our Friday Assembly in which they told us about so many things they’ve been learning about in different areas of the curriculum.
We now look forward for a short break and we’ll then be back in school on Monday 19th February.
Thank you and have a good half term break.