Dear parents and carers,
We have now started the final half term of this school year – Summer 2. It will naturally be a busy time for both pupils and staff with many things planned for these coming weeks which include a lot of learning, assessments, sports day and other enrichment activities. This week was a themed week with an RE focus on Other Faiths, particularly Islam. Other activities worth noting this week were our Collective worship on the theme of Trinity Sunday which we celebrated last Sunday.
Year 2 children went on a trip to Southwark cathedral where they learned about what goes on in a Catholic cathedral and took part in a workshop making candles. Today, Class 5E led our Friday Assembly in which they gave a very comprehensive look into Islam, its beliefs and traditions and how the church promotes respect for other faiths and their followers.
We now look forward to next week for more learning and activities. Among these there will be the Phonics screening tests for Year 1 pupils as well as the Multiplication Tables Check for all our Year 4 children.