Dear parents and carers,
As we approach the end of this school year, our weeks seem to be getting busier every time. This has been yet another week full of exciting learning opportunities and other enrichment activities. On Tuesday, our Year 4 children went on a trip to the London Zoo. This was an opportunity for them to consolidate their learning about animals, their different features and their habitats.
On Thursday we celebrated the solemnity of St Peter and St Paul by taking part at Mass in the parish church with the parish community. This was also the first time that the children from Reception classes joined us for a whole service in church. On the same day, Year 6 pupils who will soon be leaving us for their Secondary schools enjoyed their treat which consisted of a Trip to the BMX track in Burgess Park where they were introduced to, or improved their cycling and balancing skills. Today they also took part in sports activities organised by one of the local secondary schools.
Today children and parents were treated to two class assemblies, one led by 2J in Building 1 and another led by 4G in Building 2 in which they shared so many fantastic facts about what they have been learning about in class.
Please remember there are a number of things to note for next week. On Tuesday we’re having a celebration day of French culture. Children are invited to come to school wearing French colours.
Please also note that another two days of Industrial action have been announced by the NEU for Wednesday 5th and Friday 7th July. This means that some classes will be closed on that two days. See letter sent home yesterday for more details.
Thank you and have a good weekend!