History Overview


At English Martyrs the curriculum has been designed to prepare children for their next stage of education, as well as obtaining a broad and balanced view of History. By the time children leave English Martyrs they will have gained a greater knowledge and understanding of the past in Britain and the wider world. The history curriculum will allow all students, regardless of their starting point, to develop and use their skills of enquiry, analysis and argument through engaging and enriching activities building on prior knowledge learnt.

Throughout the curriculum children will be exposed to reoccurring themes of social justice and migration. This is to ensure children have a greater understanding of the historical factors that have shaped the local community they live in.

Ultimately the history curriculum will ignite the children’s curiosity and motivate learning. They will become both critical and analytical thinkers thus enabling them to form their own opinions and interpretations of the past.


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Black History Month 2024:

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At English Martyrs, History is taught in blocks throughout the year so children achieve depth within their learning. The key skills and knowledge have been identified for each topic to ensure progression throughout each year group across the school.

For Key Stages one and two lessons follow a clear and consistent teaching sequence, including History being in the chronological context of prior learning. A wide variety of teaching approaches are used and all learning styles are catered for, with a balance of whole class, group work and individual learning. Consideration is given to how greater depth will be taught, learnt and demonstrated within each lesson, as well as how learners will be supported in line with the school’s commitment to inclusion.  Cross curricular outcomes in history are specifically planned for, enabling further contextual learning. The local area is also fully utilised to achieve the desired outcomes, with extensive opportunities for learning outside the classroom embedded in practice. Children have constant access to a wide variety of subject specific books and where possible, artefacts are used to allow children to explore and investigate both primary and secondary sources of information. The learning environment is designed to ensure children develop their historical knowledge. Learning walls display key vocabulary, questions and exemplify the terminology used throughout the teaching of history.

Within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) children are given a secure grounding of the prime Areas of learning ensuring they have a good foundation on which to build through the specific areas, including understanding of the world. Areas of development are enhanced to ensure vocabulary understanding and extension, and develop understanding of the past, present and the difference between the two.


The impact of the History curriculum at English Martyrs’ Primary school can be seen through clear evidence that our children have shown progress and attainment in line with the National Curriculum. They demonstrate enthusiasm for the subject and can talk with confidence about history. Our children demonstrate an understanding of a range of historical vocabulary which can be applied confidently. As historians, our children can use their skills to pose questions, evaluate evidence and draw conclusions.

History assessment is ongoing throughout the topics and used for next steps. Teachers assess children’s knowledge,  understanding and skills at the end of each term, the results are then analysed to improve children’s learning in History. Subject leaders will carry out regular book looks and pupil voice to monitor the teaching and Learning of History.