Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. (The National Curriculum).

At English Martyrs’ Primary School, we value the importance of Art and Design within a child’s life. Children have the right to a broad curriculum which includes the arts. Art and Design can engage and challenge children by looking at the world in different ways. By giving children the opportunity to develop and extend their own individual interests and skill helps them to develop their own individuality and sense of identity.

Giving children access to a high quality Art and Design education inspires and engages children to have access to cultural capital. Thereby children are equipped to deepen their knowledge, skill and experiment with their own pieces of Art and Design. Developing their own pieces of art work through group discussions, individual thoughts and experiences allows children to interpret the world that they see around them. As children develop, they should improve their analytical and critical skills of their own and others work. Looking at different artists from around the world shows children how important art is both culturally and historically.


Please click on the links below for more.

Useful Links:
Be inspired by this website and create your own art work.
Make your own street art and wow your parents.​

The aims of our Art curriculum are to develop in children:

enjoy and appreciate different forms of art work from their own culture and different cultures from around the world

  • improve their artistic skills
  • develop an understanding of the importance of art as part of an expression of human creativity
  • develop and to use their artistic vocabulary when talking about art
  • critique other people’s art and their own, when working by themselves or part of a group
  • develop their ideas through sketch books
  • create and compose different pieces of art work


The Art and Design Curriculum at English Martyrs’ Primary School is based on the National Curriculum. The children’s art lessons are linked to the topic lessons for that term. This enables children to understand the high creativity of art and how it can be linked through different subjects. Areas which are covered include drawing, sketching, painting, sculpture, textiles and printing based on topic work, such as Romans, Vikings, Egyptians, Stone Age, nature, Mexican art, Christian art and symbols.

In order to enrich children’s learning there is art week which happens once a year. This gives children the opportunity to look at local, national and international artists. Children explore different techniques and skills to deepen their understanding of art. Pupils also have a change to enhance their cultural capital by going on trips to museums and art galleries in London. Art competitions are also entered to enhance children’s experience and to be taught to use a different range of techniques based on an established artist/artists.


Summative assessments happen throughout the year and teachers assess the children against the National Curriculum’s expectations. Teachers use children’s prior learning and progression of skills to plan lessons or close gaps. This assessment is collected once a term to ascertain gaps in children’s attainment. Further impact on children’s learning is collected through pupil questionnaires, this helps to see the bigger picture. Highlighting the strengths and improvements needed to improve children’s knowledge and skills.