Dear parents and carers,
This week has been a particularly busy week for our Year 6 pupils who have been working so diligently throughout the week completing their End of Key Stay 2 tests. They truly deserve a big ‘well done’ for the remarkable effort they have all made. Meanwhile, other children in other year groups are also getting ready for other assessment tests in the coming weeks.
Three classes have been on trips this week. Both Year 5s visited the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, while Class 2E visited Surrey Docks Farm on Thursday. This week was Mental Health Awareness Week. All children have been learning and reflecting about the importance of staying healthy in mind and body, focusing on this year’s theme ‘Move your way).
Our week came to an end today with other activities including Class 3C’s assembly in which they told us about so many things they have been learning about recently including computing and this Sunday’s feastday – Pentecost.
Next week is our last week for this Summer 1 term. We look forward to another week full of learning and other engaging activities particularly welcoming a special visitor on Monday. On Friday we’re planning to have our second FAIRTRADE cookie sale. This time it will take place in Building 2.
Thank you and have a good weekend!