Dear parents and carers,
The second week of Spring term started with collective worship on Monday which focused on the feast of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. In our assemblies this week we also talked about the school value of WISDOM on which we are focusing for this Spring 1 half term.
A group of Year 6 pupils have now started attending their Maths booster group every Thursday morning to help them make even more rapid progress this year. Throughout the week many other children have started taking part in the various after school Activity clubs that have now started for this term. These include sports clubs, Arts and Crafts, Film club, Singing and others. Unfortunately some children had to be put on a waiting list. We will strive to set up new Activity Clubs in the near future for these children.
Today, Class 5T led our Friday assembly which mainly focused on their work on Ancient Greece and the Jubilee year. It was good to see that apart from sharing information about these themes, they also shared key messages that come from myths they have read about Greek gods and other reflections about the Jubilee year. Many thanks to the parents who attended as this is one way how you support the school and your children throughout the year.
Thank you and have a good weekend.