Dear parents and carers,
Today, the 24th January we joined in with many other Catholic schools to mark the beginning of the Jubilee Year for schools. Children gathered together to reflect on the purpose of this special year and how we are going to respond to Pope Francis’ wishes throughout this year 2025.
We had several other important gatherings for various phases and people throughout the whole week. On Monday we gathered for our collective worship to reflect on the episode of the Miracle of Cana, Jesus’ first miracle and the main message of always striving to listen to what he wants of us.
On Thursday we had our Good news assembly and on the same day Year 6 children and parents met in Building 1 to talk about preparations for their Residential Trip to Grosvenor Park Hall planned for February as well as preparations for their SATs tests in May.
Today, Class 2E led our Friday class assembly in Building 1 for children, staff members and parents. They told us about so many interesting things they are learning about including writing and maths, geography, RE and Financial Education. They also told us about their work on Stewardship as part of their learning on Catholic social Teaching and how this relates to the Jubilee year of Hope.
Thank you and have a good weekend.