Dear parents and carers,
It’s hard to believe that already one whole month has gone this year! Today, the 31st January is the feast day of St John Bosco, patron saint of class 4J as we were reminded in today’s wonderful class assembly led by Class 3C. We now look forward to next week and the month of February. There are a range of other activities planned for the upcoming weeks in Spring Term 1 and then Spring Term 2 after half term week.
This last week we had several other gatherings on both sites of our school including our Monday worship assemblies when we focused on Sunday’s reading for the feast of the Presentation of the Lord and then our Good News assemblies on Wednesday and today’s one led by 3C. In today’s assembly children, parents and staff were all impressed with the confidence children showed in their
presentations and the details children talked about related to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and their work in Science about the different types of Rocks.
This week we also marked Holocaust Memorial Day which was on Monday 27th January and we reflected on the sufferings and discrimination many Jewish people had to go through and make sure we always learn from the past.
Thank you and have a good weekend.