Dear parents and carers,
We started this week with our act of collective worship which focused on the episode when Jesus met the Rich young man who unfortunately chose not to follow him due to his attachment with his wealth.
Children also continued to reflect on Black history month. Next week we plan to have an exhibition on Black history month and parents will have the opportunity to visit on Friday. On Tuesday some members of staff attended the funeral service of Mrs Johnston, former office manager at English Martyrs. We will continue to pray for her and the family and hope to have a whole school mass for this intention next month in November.
Today, Year 2 classes visited the Horniman Museum where they explored and learned more about toys used by children in the past including toys from around the world. This week work started on the new Prayer Garden in Building 2. Work will continue until half term week. We look forward to having this new space for our pupils and others to use for reflection and prayer throughout the year in school.
Thank you and have a good weekend.