Dear parents and carers,
We have now started the month of October. In our Prayer and Liturgy assemblies we focused on the Prayer of the Rosary which we are now praying regularly in the mornings this month.
Throughout the week children from various classes also gathered in the Romero Room to reflect on the life and work of this South American brave martyrs and to pray that like him we always show the preferential option for the poor.
This week all classes have also started their work on Black History Month. We are focusing on this year’s theme: ’Reclaiming Narratives’. Each class will be focusing on a person from a black ethnic background who championed causes related to the principles of Catholic Social teaching. We will be celebrating all our children’s work through an exhibition you will be able to visit on Thursday 24th October.
On Wednesday it was a pleasure welcoming parents for our first parents’ workshop for the year on Safeguarding. More of these workshops will be held in the coming weeks. Today Class 4J led our Friday class assembly in which they shared aspects of their recent learning including Solidarity and what it means in practice, the Romans, and so much more.
On a different note, a big ‘Thank you’ goes to all parents and staff who supported our Macmillan Coffee morning last Friday. The sum raised was £264.20 which will go to help support more work and research for finding a cure for the terrible cancer disease.
Thank you and have a good weekend.