Music at English Martyrs’

Music is a key part of English Martyrs’. The children are exposed to a wide range of music through curriculum lessons, assemblies and masses. Each class has Music taught by their teacher once a week and throughout their time here will cover different World and European Music as well as having the chance to compose their own music based on books. Children are able to explore different aspects of music through the voice and the orchestra.

We have regular singing assemblies for all year groups where children practise hymns for Mass and learn new songs to encourage them to enjoy singing.


Please click on the links below for more.

Helpful websites for music:

Please look at the following websites to introduce the world of music to your children.

Home | Royal Academy of Music (

Ten Pieces – BBC Teach

listen to Opera for free:

A fantastic learning platform by the Royal Opera House. Create your own account and watch ballet and listen to Opera for free. There are also ideas to be creative at home.

BBC Bitesize:

A fantastic website that supports children’s learning. This website has clips to inform your child on tempo and pitch as well as songs to sing along to. You can also explore different genres of music to impress your friends.

Classic FM:

This fabulous radio station is free to listen to online or by your normal radio. Enjoy the great sounds of the orchestra and many other instruments from different eras.

Blob chorus game:

Great game to get your child really listening! Three blobs sing different notes then the King blob sings- click on which blob sang the same note as the King blob.  Disaster will strike if your answer is wrong! If your child finds the initial level too easy then they can increase the number of blobs in their blob chorus.

BBC Bitesize –

BBC Bitesize – cartoons about music basics and school choir rehearsals to join in with.

Making Instruments –

Making Instruments at Home.

Music at EMS

We have been learning some new hymns to sing in church. We are enjoying singing a mixture of traditional British hymns and some more modern worship music. When we go to Mass, members of the congregation and the priests tell us how much they enjoy our singing. There are also opportunities for children to be involved in music in the local area which are available through Southwark. Please see for more information.