This has been a very special week at English Martyrs’. The week was packed with activities for all children to mark Book Week. Activities included Storyteller workshops for 6 classes, a book fair over 5 days, assemblies and of course coming to school in character costumes on World Book Day itself on Thursday. It was a wonderful week and we hope that our pupils will continue to be inspired to enjoy their reading even more.
This week we also continued to reflect on the special Season of Lent and how we can make best use of this time to repent and move closer to God. This was also Assessment Week and all children in Years 1 to 6 have been working hard on their end of Spring term test papers. Parents will have the opportunity to discuss progress and attainment with class teachers at the Termly Learning Conferences in two weeks time. Today, a big thank you goes to 3M for their wonderful assembly in Building 2.
On a final note, we wish all mums a wonderful day this Sunday, Mothers’ Day. Thank you and have a good weekend.